The EcoField data API is designed to return data for several different solutions. We have listed links below to the documentation for the code.

Party IDs by latitude, longitude and radius.

Returns a list of partyIds information associated with geographic coordinates.

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Get a list of land objects and their EcoField data.

Returns a list of land objects that are passed from the body parameters and returns the land EcoField data from every year associated with with those land objects.

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Get a list of party objects and their land EcoField data.

Returns a list of land objects that are passed from the body parameters and returns the land EcoField data from every year associated with with those land objects.

Click here to see the documentation for this code

Land IDs by latitude, longitude and radius.

Returns a list of landIds information associated with geographic coordinates.

Click here to see the documentation for this code

Energy consumption data for a land ID.

Returns farm/facility energy consumption data for an associated list of land IDs.

Click here to see the documentation for this code

Land management practices.

Returns a list of Land management practices associated with a list of land ids.

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Pesticide usage

Returns a list of pesticide usage data associated with a list of land ids.

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Fertilizer usage.

Returns a list of fertilizer usage data associated with a list of land ids.

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Emissions released.

Returns a list of emissions data associated with a list of land ids.

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Machinery data.

Returns a list of machinery data associated with a list of land ids.

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Cover crop data by year and landID.

Returns a list of cover crop and crop type data.

Click here to see the documentation for this code